Hickory High

A non-refundable fee of 4.0% plus a $0.35 non-refundable transaction fee will be charged to all purchases. These fees are not collected by Chesapeake Public Schools, but are processing fees of OSP, the company hosting this site.

Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
AAPPL Testing DD047-248 DD047-248 AAPPL TESTING - (Provide the language in the space provided) Test for Seal of Biliteracy (All Languages, except Latin) 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Moore,Anja All N/A 4/27/2017 $15.00
ALIRA Testing DD047-81 DD047-81 ALIRA Testing (Bi-Literacy) Latin The ALIRA (ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment) is a computer-adaptive assessment of Latin students' ability to read for comprehension a variety of Latin-language texts. Depending on the assessment, students can achieve their Biliteracy Seal 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Barnhart,Angela All N/A 4/27/2017 $10.00
Hawk Pride Sponsorships DD047-VAR116 DD047-VAR116 Athletic Sponsorships Purchase a Sponsorship - your sign will be displayed/advertised at HHS sporting events. Contact Pat Troia for information at [email protected]. You can pay the price determined with Coach Troia here. Please include your business name and contact info in the space provided. Thansk! 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Troia,Patric N/A N/A N/A $0.00
CAMO - Q DD047-348 DD047-348 CAMO - Q Meals to be packaged and sold to public and school members. Meals will be available for pickup in front of Hickory High School 4/30/2025. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Kapko,Christine N/A N/A N/A $15.00
Ceramics CANDY SALE DD047-311 DD047-311 Ceramics CANDY SALE Candy Sales Fundraiser to help purchase Ceramics Materials. Purchase in Room 180 - Mr. Middleton's Ceramics Class 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Michael,Middleton N/A N/A N/A $1.75
Custodial Staff Taco Tuesday DD047-VAR274 DD047-VAR274 Custodial Staff Taco Tuesday Your donation will be used to help MCSA provide a monthly Taco Tuesday dinner for our custodial staff. Thank you so much for your support! Students: Please provide your homeroom teacher, Others: please provide your address. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Jennifer,Naperala N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Donations to Aquarium Club DD047-VAR272 DD047-VAR272 Donations to Aquarium Club Thank you very much for your support of the Hickory High School Aquarium Club. The fish especially. These donations will go towards food, chemicals and equipment to sustain the current tanks, and if we grow add or replace existing tanks. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Romash,Josh N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Aquarium Club DD047-224 DD047-224 DUES - Aquarium Club Dues for aquarium club. Goes toward fishes 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Romash,Josh N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Art Club Dues DD047-264 DD047-264 DUES - Art Club $15 dues for Art Club to help cover the cost of some of the materials used during meetings. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Early,Lauren N/A N/A N/A $15.00
Best Buddy Dues DD047-273 DD047-273 DUES - Best Buddies Pay Best Buddy Dues 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Andrea,Mccloud N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Ceramics Club Dues DD047-263 DD047-263 Dues - Ceramics Club Pay dues for Ceramics Club. Dues for Ceramics Club go towards materials for activities throughout the school year. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Mccraw,Molly N/A N/A N/A $15.00
DECA Dues DD047-282 DD047-282 DUES - DECA Pay your DECA DUES for non-competing members. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Foster,Melinda N/A N/A N/A $15.00
DUES - FCCLA DD047-312 DD047-312 DUES - FCCLA Students must be in a FACS class to be in this co-curricular club. Please type they name of you FCCLA teacher in the mandatory informatino space provided. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Evans,Kim N/A N/A N/A $15.00
Junior Class Dues DD047-255 DD047-255 DUES - Junior Class - 11th Grade Pay your Junior Class Dues. All students owe dues for each year they attend HHS 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Evans,Kim 11th N/A N/A $5.00
DUES - Latin Club DD047-313 DD047-313 DUES - Latin Club Latin Club Membership for 2024-2025. Covers snacks and supplies 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Barnhart,Angela N/A N/A N/A $10.00
DUES - MCSA Club  (MultiCultural Student Allicance) DD047-339 DD047-339 DUES - MCSA Club (MultiCultural Student Allicance) Dues to support club activities 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Jennifer,Naperala N/A N/A N/A $5.00
DUES - Sapphira Pearl Tri-Hi-Y Club DD047-316 DD047-316 DUES - Sapphira Pearl Tri-Hi-Y Club Pay Dues to be a member of Sapphira Pearl Tri-Hi-Y 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Powers,Morgan N/A N/A N/A $10.00
Senior Dues DD047-232 DD047-232 DUES - Senior Class - 12th Grade Pay Senior Dues 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Eileen,Mooring 12th N/A N/A $5.00
EGG MY YARD - 30 EGGS (Hickory Dance Troupe) DD047-345 DD047-345 EGG MY YARD - 30 EGGS (Hickory Dance Troupe) Pre-order candy filled eggs to be hidden in your front yard along with a letter from the Easter Bunny ready for Easter morning! 30, 50, or 75 eggs available. *****ENTER THE ADDRESS TO BE EGGED IN THE MANDATORY SPACE PROVIDED.***** 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Cross,Michelle N/A N/A N/A $25.00
EGG MY YARD - 50 EGGS (Hickory Dance Troupe) DD047-344 DD047-344 EGG MY YARD - 50 EGGS (Hickory Dance Troupe) Pre-order candy filled eggs to be hidden in your front yard along with a letter from the Easter Bunny ready for Easter morning! 30, 50, or 75 eggs available. *****ENTER THE ADDRESS TO BE EGGED IN THE MANDATORY SPACE PROVIDED.***** 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Cross,Michelle N/A N/A N/A $45.00
EGG MY YARD - 75 EGGS (Hickory Dance Troupe) DD047-329 DD047-329 EGG MY YARD - 75 EGGS (Hickory Dance Troupe) Pre-order candy filled eggs to be hidden in your front yard along with a letter from the Easter Bunny ready for Easter morning! 30, 50, or 75 eggs available. *****ENTER THE ADDRESS TO BE EGGED IN THE MANDATORY SPACE PROVIDED.***** 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Cross,Michelle N/A N/A N/A $60.00
Lost or Damaged Library Book DD047-VAR255 DD047-VAR255 FEE - Lost/Damaged Library Books Type the name of the book(s) you are paying for in the space provided. You should have received a notice from the library for the amount you owe. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Hiryak,Debbie N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Technology Repair/Replacement Fee DD047-VAR250 DD047-VAR250 FEE - Technology Repair/Replacement (Chromebooks) Pay a technology fee here. (Chromebooks, chargers, etc.) Please be sure to include the student's name the fee is under in the space provided so it can be credited to their account. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Williams,Rachel N/A N/A N/A $0.00
FIELD TRIP - TIDES DECA DAY DD047-349 DD047-349 FIELD TRIP - TIDES DECA DAY This trip offers students an opportunity to gain knowledge about the Marketing and Business of a baseball team as well as experience a live sporting event. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Foster,Melinda N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Parking Pass DD047-51 DD047-51 Parking Permit Bring the HHS Parking Permit Certification form signed by student and parent, your drivers license, your OSP payment receipt, and proof of insurance to pick up your parking permit at school. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Porter,Brian All N/A N/A $23.70
SCA Donations DD047-VAR234 DD047-VAR234 SCA Donations Please support our efforts to recognize students, staffulty, and host events for Hickory! 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate VARIABLE Sarver,Lesley N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Senior Graduation Signs DD047-331 DD047-331 Senior Graduation Signs Purchase a customized Senior Graduation Sign. Type preferred name for the sign in the required space provided. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Eileen,Mooring 12th N/A N/A $25.00
Staff Remembrance Dues DD047-222 DD047-222 STAFF - SUNSHINE DUES Dues go towards Sunshine activities and materials throughout the year, as well as, recognizing happy and hopeful life events for staff members. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Mccraw,Molly N/A N/A N/A $20.00
Bowling Club = Bowling & Shoe Rental Fee DD047-244 DD047-244 Weekly Bowling! (At Bowlero w/ the bowling club) Join your friends to bowl at Bowlero Chesapeake. It's $12.00 for three games, shoe rental, and ball rental. Pre-payment is required to participate. Indicate in the memo the date of participation. Payment required by Wednesday at midnight before scheduled play. 0010b00002HJJJGAA5:Crestwood Intermediate FIXED Emery,Natalie N/A N/A N/A $12.00
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